Monday, January 14, 2013

new year's eve: tradition

For the last however-many-lovely-years, we have hosted New Year's Eve at my parent's house.

It has become one of those parties that just comes together last minute, because nobody really talks about it or plans it, it just happens. People show up and the house gets cleaned and a bonfire is made ready, as if suddenly-bored Christmas elves decided to swoop in and make it all happen so that we can all rejoice in the new year together.
In my blissfully ignorant mind, food magically appears and there's always more than enough (thanks mom and dad!) and the evening goes on without a hitch.
It has to be magic, because everything is glitter and sparkle and happiness.

 New Year's Eve, to be perfect, must have these key ingredients:

1. Caramel Popcorn
2. Family and Friends (sorry, but...yes, you come after the caramel popcorn)
3. Bonfire
4. Fireworks
5. Glitzy clothing

By these unalienable rules, this year was an absolute success.

Usually there's one weird "this-year-only" specialty that manages to wiggle its way in there.
Last year, it was sushi. This year, it was The Dougie.

Trying to YouTube some practical Dougie knowledge.

It still remains a mystery.
But it sure was fun seeing them try.

The other "this-year-only" was potatoes and jelly beans, but that's another story.

This is one of my favorite views in the world.
The fiery silhouettes of so many loved ones, all gathered together and cozy on a starry December 31st night.

I'll always love New Year's a little more than any other time.
It's a package deal, really - Christmas, New Year's, Anniversary. All in one big bundle, tied with a bright green ribbon bow and showered with glitter. What a time to celebrate.

What are some of your traditions?

It's two weeks into 2013. I hope you're all sticking to your resolutions, and showering blessings on those around you.

In love,

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